When will I receive my order?

As a renowned brand, we care about your money and bank data. UniversalJacket.com accepts PayPal and all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Visa Electron, and Maestro.

We process orders you place promptly, usually within 4 – 6 business days. For this reason, you have 24 hours after ordering to send a cancellation or modification email to csr@leatherstylo.com. Beyond this period, your items will probably have been shipped.

Do we offer a money-back guarantee?

Yes, we offer a money-back guarantee, but only if our customer finds a fault in the product.

Do we offer a warranty?

Yes, we offer a warranty; our customers can exchange the product or ask for money if they find any defect after receiving it within 30 days.

Do I have to pay extra for gift packaging?

Yes, you’ve to pay extra for gift packaging. To know about the exact amount, contact the customer service team.

What are the shipping charges?

We provide FREE shipping for all products. So you don’t have to pay any shipping charges.

How can I track my order?

You can track your order by entering your order ID and billing email on this page.

How can I track my order?

You can track your order by entering your order ID and billing email on this page.

How do you contact customer support?

You can fill out the contact form.

Call us on this number during business hours: +1 (917) 245-3953

Please email us at info@leatherstylo.com / csr@leatherstylo.com

What if my order arrives damaged?

We’ll exchange it, or you can ask for money.